The VTP code on should work, but if you want to build the code from github, here is what I did:
I started with Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler) for RCP/RAP developers, and pulled the code from github.
You will need Buckminster, which can be installed via Eclipse's "install new software" function (you may need to add the download site: if you are using Eclipse Kepler).
Next, look in the org.eclipse.vtp.releng.buckminster project for vtp_4.0.0-git.cquery and open it. Click the "Resolve and Materialize" button at the bottom of the view. That should provide most of the main dependencies.
After that has completed, open p2site_feature-git.cquery (also in org.eclipse.vtp.releng.buckminster), and click "Resolve and Materialize" for that as well. That should provide the rest of the dependencies.
If you are using a version of Eclipse that does not have the RCP/RAP feature, I think the EclipseRCP.cquery is intended to provide those dependencies, but I have not verified that.
At this point, you can either set up a run/debug configuration to run as an "Eclipse Application" in a runtime workbench, or you can export the projects as "deployable plugins and fragments" and put the exported plugins into Eclipse's plugins directory (shutting down Eclipse first to be safe).
The OpenVXML perspective should then be available via Window -> Open Perspective -> Other.
The URL for an application made with VTP 4.0 or later has this (usually case-sensitive) format:
So the URL for a helloWold project exported in testApps.war might look like
The call will start at the begin block and follow the path specified by the connectors (drag-and-drop lines) between the blocks.
I hope that helps.
From: mohammad hasanzadeh <***<mailto:***>>
Reply-To: Voice Tools general developers <vtp-***<mailto:vtp-***>>
Date: Monday, July 21, 2014 11:46 PM
To: Voice Tools general developers <vtp-***<mailto:vtp-***>>
Subject: Re: [vtp-dev] OpenVXML 4.0 exporting issue
Can you please give me the instructions to install VTP from Github! I cloned it by Eclipse, but I don't have any idea how to configure it.
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 9:32 AM, mohammad hasanzadeh <***<mailto:***>> wrote:
I downloaded the OpenVXML master version from Git through Eclipse IDE, but I don't have nay idea how to configure it. can you please help me with building it!
On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 9:25 PM, mohammad hasanzadeh <***<mailto:***>> wrote:
I used to install OpenVXML 4.0 with the install software menu of Eclipse. I will download it from Git and test my app again. if the problem steel exists, I will upload the project and send you the link. That was a very kind suggestion.
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Damian Nardelli <***<mailto:***>> wrote:
I can't confirm that. It's just a thought.
I think they moved the code into github:
I suggested you to try that URL because all my tests had a "Begin" element as the entry point, and therefore the resulting URL was .../Begin . When entering into the Begin element, the VTP runtime triggers a "Continue" event automatically and switches to the next state of the workflow.
If you still have issues and no one else help you, you may want to upload your generated .war file to somewhere and I may take a look at it.
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 3:42 AM, mohammad hasanzadeh <***<mailto:***>> wrote:
Thanks for your answer. By discontinuing, you mean the VTP project is not supported any more?
BTW, entering the mentioned page, the borrowser shows the following:
<vxml xmlns="" version="2.1">
<form id="EndMessageForm" scope="document">
<block name="EndMessageBlock">
<catch event="connection.disconnect.hangup">
<goto next="/EMI/-/abort"/>
I think this message does not solve anything, because this URL is not the entry point of the VTP project. Also when I visit this page the tomcat paste this file in its log, but the problem is still vague.
Any more suggestion?
On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Damian Nardelli <***<mailto:***>> wrote:
Have you tried with http://tomcat_ip:8080/WAR_NAME/HelloWorld/Begin ?
BTW, don't expect too much from this list as it looks it's been discontinued...
On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 1:58 AM, mohammad hasanzadeh <***<mailto:***>> wrote:
In OpenVXML 4.0 with Indigo IDE. I exported a HelloWorld program as a voice tools \ web application and deployed it on Tomcat. Since Tomcat start the Host, but it does not assign a resource ID to the webapp and it's not started. It doesn't seem the app exported properly. After I double check the path of the project (http://Tomcat_IP:8080/WAR_NAME/HelloWorld) the Tomcat says the following message:
"The requested resource (ProxyServlet: /WAR_NAME/HelloWorld) is not available"
Also the Tomcat log shows that the project is started but Tomcat doesn't assign any resource ID to it.
The overall configurations of the Eclipse IDE and tomcat are as follow:
Editor side:
- Indigo IDE with installed OpenVXML 4.0 from install new software of Eclipse
- Java 6 Update 45
Tomcat Side
- Tomcat 6
- Java 6 Update 30
Thanks for your help.
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